Inter Section

Wishing you all a marvelous weekend. (black background is a must here!!) I am still grinding the outside world, so don't be surprised. And yeah, you caught me in my black and white stage. This place I wanted to shoot for ages now, and never got the time, or the light or the drive to do so. To get this angle, I had to trespass the private ground of this place, fully aware that the security people where filming and watching me doing a few exposures. They came in hard and forced me to delete my exposures, which I did of course, Knowing in advance that this can happen, I swapped the memory card so that I still saved a few exposures. A few days later, when I finished the post processing I sent this photo to the PR department of the owners and they where very pleased with the result. On the top they gave me a belated permission for the shooting, so I am free to use it. Man, what a thrill!!! Don't try this at home^^ Take it easy guys, good light, good fight. via 500px

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  • Inter SectionWishing you all a marvelous weekend. (black background is a must here!!) I am still grinding the out… Read More...

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